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Post nearby within 6.75 km :
Ancient Kassopi
Αρχαία Κασσώπη Πρέβεζα

One of the most important cities in ancient Epirus with panoramic views of the Ionian Sea and the Gulf of Amvrakikos.

Post nearby within 14.29 km :
Nekromanteion: The ancient entrance to underworld
Νεκρομαντείο Αχέροντα

The placement of Nekromanteion on a hill at the confluence of Acheron river with its tributaries is associated with the ancient beliefs of the underworld…

Post nearby within 15.42 km :
Ancient Nicopolis: A roman city in west coast
Αρχαία Νικόπολη Πρέβεζα ποδήλατο

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Post nearby within 22.05 km :
PREVEZA a bicycle-friendly town

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Post nearby within 22.38 km :
Amvrakikos Wetlands
Αμβρακικός υδροβιότοπος Ροδιάς Πρέβεζα

One the most important wetlands of Europe…

Post nearby within 22.57 km :
Love monument: a cosy corner for a beer in Preveza

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Post nearby within 22.69 km :
Road trip in Thesprotia region
Σούλι Κούγκι νερόμυλος

Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά.

Post nearby within 23.05 km :
Hike a trail :Tzavelena old stair from Acheron river to Souli mount
Σκάλα Τζαβέλαινας Σούλι Αχέροντας Γλυκή φαράγγι πηγές Αχέροντα

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Post nearby within 23.22 km :
Acheron, the dark river in Glyki village
πηγές Αχέροντα γλυκή θεσπρωτία

Family -friendly destination in Acheron river…